Noncustodial Parent

Non-custodial Parent Attorney in Tomball

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    Non-custodial Parent Lawyer

    In Tomball, Texas , the court deems it necessary for parents to care for their children when two parents separate through a divorce. The court assigns one parent to be the custodial parent and the other as the noncustodial. The judge typically determines custody based on the child’s best interest, which focuses more on the child’s needs than the parents’ needs. The parent who can meet their child’s needs best is granted the role of the custodial parent.

    The custodial parent has the right to make legal decisions on behalf of their children as courts find that any decision made by them is in the children’s best interest. And in a lot of cases, the custodial parent is the parent that the children primarily live with. It is a responsibility that courts expect many parents to maintain until the child is of legal age.

    Noncustodial Parent's Role

    An equally important responsibility lies with the noncustodial parent. Although the custodial parent bears the duty to make serious legal decisions for their children, this does not bar the noncustodial parent from making any day-to-day decisions for their children when the children are in their care.

    Naturally, the noncustodial parent plays a vital role in providing emotional care for the children. Kids grow up to be well-adjusted and healthy in the care of both their parents. The courts of Texas , believe that children need strong relationships with both parents as they grow up. The noncustodial parent needs to maintain a relationship with their children regardless of whether they live with them.

    Rights and Responsibilities of the Noncustodial Parent

    There’s a lot of responsibilities that come with being the noncustodial parent, most commonly child support. If you’re a noncustodial parent, you have the responsibility of providing financial support to your children. Child support goes toward funding your children’s education, their extracurricular activities, and helping ensure they keep a healthy diet.

    Failure to pay child support can result in being found in contempt of court and risking your children’s safety and health by evading your parental obligation.

    You would also be remiss to think that you do not have any rights of your own as the noncustodial parent. Although the custodial parent has the right to choose where the child lives, you have the right to negotiate distance and keep the child close enough for regular visitation. Additionally, you have equal rights to decisions, such as making choices about the kids’ schooling. You also have the right to participate in school activities such as plays, sporting events, and parent-teacher conferences.

    Being a noncustodial parent can be difficult as you may feel pushed out of your child’s life. But you can still be a part of your child’s life if you choose to be. With the help of our experienced lawyers, you can know the rights you have as a noncustodial parent. If you are located in Tomball, or Houston, Eaton Family Law can help you!