Texas Noncustodial Parent Attorney

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    Noncustodial Parent Lawyer in Texas

    After almost every divorce, the two spouses no longer live together. That means that any children from the relationship will need to have a parent that they primarily live with, called the custodial parent. This parent also has the right to make legal decisions on behalf of the child. The other parent is considered the noncustodial parent.

    The noncustodial parent is still an important role. Children need strong relationships with both of their parents as they grow up, and your relationship with your children is no less important if you do not live with them. The decision of who will be the custodial parent and who will be the noncustodial parent is made during the divorce process. Decisions about child support and visitation will also be made at that time.

    Rights of a noncustodial parent

    Being a noncustodial parent can be very difficult because the noncustodial parent does not have the right to make legal decisions for the children. However, they are not without legal rights. Your Texas noncustodial parent lawyer can help you to understand what your legal rights are.

    For example, the custodial parent has the right to choose where the child lives. The noncustodial parent, however, can negotiate distance and keep the child close enough for regular visits.

    The noncustodial parent also has an equal right to some decisions, such as making choices about their kids’ schooling. They also have the right to participate in school activities, such as attending sporting events, school plays, or parent-teacher conferences.

    The noncustodial parent also has the right to spend time with their children. The amount of time depends on the divorce agreement. Sometimes children spend the school year with one parent and the summer with others. Sometimes they spend weekdays with one and weekends with the other. Sometimes they alternate weeks. The right fit will depend on your unique family situation, and your lawyer can help you come to a custody agreement that is fair for everyone and in the best interest of your children.

    Responsibilities of the noncustodial parent

    The noncustodial parent will probably also be expected to pay child support. This is because they do not have the day-to-day costs of taking care of the children. The child support payments are not payments to the other parent but rather a way of making sure that the children are fully supported by both of their parents. Often, child support requirements include money set aside for college tuition. Child support and visitation are two separate issues, and visitation can’t be canceled because of not paying child support.

    When the children are physically with the noncustodial parent, they have the right to make medical decisions just as the custodial parent does. Both parents are expected to notify the other when there is a medical emergency. Noncustodial parents also have the right to an opinion regarding the educational and religious upbringing of the children.

    If at any time, you feel like your parental rights are being taken away, you should talk to your Texas noncustodial parent lawyer. Your rights are important, and you deserve to be involved in raising your children, even if you are no longer in a relationship with their other parent. A noncustodial parent attorney in Texas can help.

    Being a noncustodial parent can be difficult, because it can feel like you are being pushed out of your child’s life. However, that is not actually the case at all. The noncustodial parent has many rights to their children and to making decisions regarding their children, and the custodial parent is expected to cooperate with their former spouse in decisions about the kids. If you need any legal assistance in Texas and major cities such as Tomball or Houston, contact Eaton Family Law Group today.