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How The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Affected Custody and Visitation Schedules

Lockdown Effects on Marriages

According to experts, the Coronavirus outbreak may lead to a rise in divorces in the United States. Households participating in 14-day self-isolations run the risk of suffering consequences related to long-term lockdowns. How will nationwide lockdowns affect such households? Some suggest being forced to spend so much time locked inside together may lead to both domestic violence and baby booms across the nation.

Can Covid-19 Lead to Domestic Violence?

Divorces happen for so many reasons. Some may be major, while others can be outright petty. Couples have stood in divorce courts and complained about things as simple as “he cuts his toenails in bed” or “she doesn’t cook anymore.” Isolate these same couples together in their homes for two weeks, and you can only imagine how it may end.

During a time like this, even a healthy couple can find themselves in a cycle of verbal and physical abuse, and, of course, bullying. If one spouse already has controlling behavior, this could lead him/her to become abusive out of frustration.

One woman in China reported being threatened by her fearful husband. He told her he would toss her out their home and into the streets if she showed just one sign of being infected with COVID-19. Another man vowed to his spouse that if she became sick from the Coronavirus, he would do whatever necessary to prevent her from getting medical attention.

What’s even scarier – the coronavirus crisis has caused many businesses and organizations to close their doors for now. For women seeking domestic abuse assistance, routes to support may be limited… especially locally. Online support still exists. But for women and children in emergency situations, physical help may be hard to find.

Americans can learn from how it’s all playing out in China. The number of domestic violence incidents has sharply increased since the COVID-19 outbreak hit the country. According to various Chinese news sources, the nation’s distress calls are on the rise amongst married couples forced into quarantines.

Lockdown Effects on Marriages In Texas

The State of Texas is a “no-fault” divorce state. This means spouses are not obligated to prove one or both parties are at fault to get divorced.

Therefore, whether your marriage’s demise is related to adultery, abandonment, abuse, or the coronavirus lockdown drove you apart, the Texas courts can help. You only need to prove that:

Your wife or husband has been a legal Texas resident for no less than six months before you filed for the divorce
The marriage is permanently broken
However, the court may consider the reasons for the breakup when awarding spousal or child support, dividing marital property, and other decisions. Anyone can file the paperwork to start the divorce proceedings. But it’s wise to have legal representation to protect yourself.

Eaton Family Law Firm is a leader in the Texas divorce industry. We understand that a divorce is hard enough emotionally. Our goal is to make it a smooth of a transition as possible. We interpret the law for you, so you understand what’s going on every step of the way.

That means guiding you through the technicalities of the court rules, regulations, and paperwork. We’ll help you avoid making mistakes that could lose you certain rights forever and get what you deserve from your estate. At The Eaton Family Law Firm, we are here to make the divorce process easier on you.