Noncustodial Parent

Houston Non-custodial Parent Attorney

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    Non-custodial Parent Lawyer

    When a family in Texas splits up due to divorce, any children from the relationship will need a parent that they will live with primarily. This parent is called the custodial parent. Besides being the primary home for the child, the custodial parent also has the right to make legal decisions for the child. The other parent is the noncustodial parent, and they still serve an important role.

    Children need strong relationships with both parents as they grow; making a noncustodial parent’s relationship with their child is no less valuable than the custodial parent’s relationship. In the event of a divorce, the assignment of the noncustodial and custodial parent is part of the divorce process. However, in non-married relationships, it is still a good idea to hire a Houston child custody lawyer to help decide child support and visitation rights.

    Noncustodial parents do not get to make day-to-day decisions for their children, but that doesn’t mean they are without legal rights. For instance, the custodial parent can determine where the child lives, but the noncustodial parent can negotiate the distance to the child. A Houston family law firm can help you understand your legal rights.

    You Are Expected to Co-Parent

    Some rights are shared between noncustodial parents and custodial parents. These rights can include determining where the child goes to school or going to extracurriculars or parent-teacher conferences. The noncustodial parent is typically still able to see the child, and the amount of time they can see them appears in the custody agreement. There are many ways to split children’s time between the parents. A Houston child custody attorney can help devise the best solutions based on your particular family situation. Your lawyer can help you come to a fair custody agreement that has the parent’s and child’s best interest at heart.

    The noncustodial parent also has the right to make medical decisions for their child while staying with them. However, there is an expectation that the parents will notify each other if a medical issue arises. Noncustodial parents can also determine their child’s education and religion.

    Child Support Helps the Children

    Typically, the noncustodial parent is responsible for paying child support because they don’t have the responsibility for the daily living costs of caretaking. The child support payments ensure that both parents are fully supporting the children. Many times, child support payments allocate money for college. Child support payments and visitation rights are separate entities, so visitation cannot be canceled if the noncustodial parent doesn’t pay child support. If you live in Houston or surrounding areas like Tomball our child support lawyer in Houston can help determine appropriate child support amounts for your family.

    If you have questions about your rights as a parent, talk to a child custody attorney at Eaton Family Law. Your rights are just as important, and you deserve to be involved in your child’s life even if you are no longer in a relationship with the other parent. Being a noncustodial parent can sometimes feel difficult, especially if you feel you are being pushed away from your child’s life. However, you must remember that you still have many rights to your children and can make decisions for them. We’re available to help; contact us for a free consultation today.