Divorce Couple Arguing

When it comes to divorce in Houston, the State of Texas recognizes two main types: no-fault divorce and fault divorce. Each type has its own requirements, implications, and considerations. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of these two divorce categories to help you better understand the options available in Houston, Texas.

No-Fault Divorce:

No-fault divorce is the most common type of divorce in Houston. It allows couples to dissolve their marriage without assigning blame to either party. Key points about no-fault divorce include:

  1. Irretrievable breakdown: No-fault divorce is based on the premise that the marriage has become irretrievably broken with no hope of reconciliation.
  2. Grounds for no-fault divorce: In Texas, the grounds for no-fault divorce are often referred to as “insupportability” or “discord or conflict of personalities.”
  3. Simplified process: No-fault divorce typically involves a simpler and less adversarial process, focusing on the division of assets, child custody, and support arrangements.

Fault Divorce:

In contrast to no-fault divorce, fault divorce in Houston requires proving that one spouse is at fault for the breakdown of the marriage. Some important aspects of fault divorce include:

  1. Grounds for fault divorce: Texas recognizes several grounds for fault divorce, including adultery, cruelty, abandonment, felony conviction, and living apart for a specific duration.
  2. Burden of proof: The spouse seeking a fault divorce must provide evidence to support their claims against the other spouse.
  3. Impact on proceedings: Fault divorce can affect property division, child custody, and even spousal support determinations, as the court considers the misconduct of the at-fault spouse.

Which Type of Divorce is Right for You?
The choice between no-fault and fault divorce depends on the specific circumstances of your case. Factors such as the level of conflict, the presence of children, and the willingness to assign blame can influence your decision. For expert guidance and legal support in navigating your divorce process in Houston, contact Eaton Family Law Group today.

Contact Eaton Family Law Group

Schedule a consultation with our experienced divorce attorneys at Eaton Family Law Group. We will provide personalized guidance and representation to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce case. Take the first step towards a brighter future.