When parents separate, they typically share physical and legal custody of their children. This is ideal when both parents can care for their children. However, there are some cases where you might feel that the best thing for your children is to seek full custody.
Types of Custody
Full custody is different from primary custody. When one parent is awarded full custody, the other completely relinquishes their parental rights.
There are two kinds of custody in Texas law: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to where the child lives, while legal custody refers to the right to make medical, educational, and other choices on their behalf. Your Houston child custody attorneys can help you understand the difference and how to ensure you have the rights you need to care for your children.
Gaining legal and physical custody
To win sole custody, your child custody lawyer in Houston will need to argue why it is the best thing for your child. They will need to know about any history of violence, neglect from the other parent, or any reason the child would be unsafe with them. Be very honest with your Houston child custody attorney.
You may also want to terminate the other parent’s parental rights. This will only be done if they present a clear danger to your child. This could be due to abandonment, abuse, or serious endangerment. There is a very high bar of clear and convincing evidence, so you must work with a child custody lawyer in Houston to present relevant medical records, police records, and other documents.
Eaton Family Law can help you gain sole custody of your children, ensuring they are safe and healthy. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help you navigate this challenging and emotional process.