Child Custody

One of the biggest factors that can easily complicate any divorce is the existence of children. If you share children with your ex, there is a lot that needs to be considered. Regardless of their parents’ relationship, children deserve to be cared for and supported by both of their parents so that they can grow up into successful and independent adults.
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No one walks down the aisle of a wedding planning their eventual divorce. It can be an incredibly painful experience to leave someone that you once thought you would spend the rest of your life with, and our lawyers understand that you are going through something difficult.
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Property Division

When two people get married, they usually combine all of their assets and property. Depending on their age and life stage, this could be as simple as combining a couple of checking accounts and maybe some student loans.
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Military Divorce

A military divorce is a little different than a civilian divorce. Some special considerations need to be made, and those can make military divorce a bit more complicated than many other divorces. We are very experienced in handling these types of divorces and can help you navigate this situation.
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No one walks down the aisle of a wedding planning their eventual divorce. It can be an incredibly painful experience to leave someone that you once thought you would spend the rest of your life with, and our lawyers understand that you are going through something difficult. A good Houston divorce attorney will help you to understand your rights and move through the process with the least complications possible.

If you are filing for divorce in the Houston area, you have probably been considering this for a while. There are countless different reasons to divorce someone, and we understand that all of our clients are coming from a different place. Perhaps your spouse has cheated on you. Perhaps they have been abusive. Perhaps they have lied to you about something important. Perhaps you have simply grown apart as partners and are still good friends. Each of these scenarios requires a different divorce process, and we make a point of getting connecting on a personal level to understand what our clients are needing from a lawyer.

If your spouse has filed for divorce, you are doing the right thing by getting a lawyer. No matter how amicable the divorce, the same legal team cannot represent both parties. Retaining a Houston divorce lawyer means that you have the opportunity to make sure that the decisions of the court come out in a way that will allow you to move forward with your life after the divorce without being financially ruined.

Wedding Rings


In many cases, the two parties will settle before trial. A settlement is an agreement that the spouses come to regarding the division of assets and custody outside of court. Many couples go through this process with lawyers and then move forward quickly through the rest of the divorce process. If you are on at all amicable terms with your soon to be ex-spouse, this is often the easiest way to go through the divorce process, as well as being the most affordable.

This type of divorce is called an uncontested dissolution of marriage. It is often the easiest on both the spouses and their family. Uncontested does not mean that both parties came to an agreement from the beginning. Instead, they have retained a lawyer and came to a compromise that they can both be satisfied with. An uncontested divorce can move quickly and allow both spouses to move on to their next steps in life with minimal difficulty.

Although these types of divorces are the easier option, there is still some work involved for each party. Even if you are on good terms with your former spouse, the two of you cannot be represented by the same legal team. You’ll need to retain your own Houston divorce lawyer.


A contested divorce can be much more drawn out, but it’s not unusual. When the two parties cannot come to an agreement, they often need to sort out the terms of the divorce in court. Sometimes, a prenuptial agreement can prevent this, but relatively few people have a prenuptial agreement. Complicated assets or a disagreement on child custody commonly lead to contested divorces.

Very occasionally, the divorce is appropriate for a jury trial. More often, a judge renders the verdict and signs the final divorce decree.

If your divorce is contested, the best thing that you can do is hire a good lawyer. Your Houston divorce process will go better with a good legal mind on your side. Your lawyer can help you make unemotional decisions that you won’t regret years down the road when the pain of the divorce has faded, and you have to live with the results.

Family Law Expectations
At Eaton Family Law, we understand that families are at the root of family law. That means that your feelings and relationships take first priority. Our Houston divorce law firm understands that your relationship with your children is of utmost importance and that your relationship with your ex may be complicated and emotional. Your lawyer will always encourage you to make the right choices for you and will bring a true compassion to your situation. At Eaton Family law, we always advocate for the needs of our clients and the best results holistically.
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