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Tomball Divorce Decree Enforcement Attorneys

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    Divorce Decree Enforcement Lawyers in Tomball, Texas

    A divorce decree is a formal order given by the court at the end of the divorce proceedings. In essence, it is the final judgment of the divorce, and it includes things such as the child support order, the custody order, and the payment of debts. It also includes the division of the retirement account.

    Before any decrees take effect, both parties must sign them as proof that they will follow through on their promises and move forward with their new lives. However, things don’t always go as smoothly as they should. On occasion, one of the spouses will refuse the decree because of an issue with one or more orders or how the shared financial resources are divided.

    In a refusal situation, you will need to find a good enforcement lawyer and take your former spouse back to court to enforce the decree. In Tomball, Texas , Eaton family law can help you with the proceedings.

    Why You May Need Divorce Decree Enforcement

    When your former spouse fails to pay off a debt incurred during the marriage, you can find them in contempt of court. Typically they will be given a second chance to follow through with the order to pay the debt, and if they still fail to comply, they’re liable to be punished with jail time. In some cases, the court can even take action by seizing your former spouse’s property and selling it so that they may give you what you’re owed.

    It is also a different matter if the situation involves a child or children rather than property. Naturally, you’re looking out for your children. You don’t want to leave them with trauma or have them suffer from a life full of stress due to their parents’ separation. So it’s best for the child or children if their parents can be civil with each other as they handle co-parenting their children.

    However, it’s common for many divorce cases for co-parenting to be impossible, as one of the parents refuses to follow the court-issued custody orders. You might need to work with a lawyer to have your child custody order enforced in such a case.

    Enforcing Divorce Decrees

    When filing for enforcement, it is crucial that all divorce decrees are legal orders and not simply verbal agreements between you and your former spouse. Things such as custody orders and child support are often quite particular when it comes to paperwork. A Tomball, Texas  enforcement lawyer will ensure that court proceedings and other legalities run smoothly, so you and your child can begin your new lives.

    Lastly, your lawyer can also be of assistance to you during the mediation proceedings with your former spouse if they did not follow the divorce decree.