Divorce Process
Eaton Family Law Firm | Divorce Process

Divorce Process Attorney in Tomball, Texas

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    Divorce Process Lawyer

    The process of divorce can never be identical; each is as unique as a fingerprint. At Eaton, we know that your circumstances, your story, and your perspective is unique.  

    That said, the divorce process in Texas varies depending on several factors. Joint assets, adoption, and agreement of both parties to the divorce terms are a few to name. However, expecting a few fundamental things from your divorce is understandable. Your Tomball, Texas attorney will gather information regarding the case, like liabilities, assets, and financial details. It helps in determining the division of assets. 

    Witnesses are another crucial aspect of divorce. You need to consider the character witnesses called by your opponent to make a firm decision regarding your testifiers. 

    Uncontested Divorces

    A settlement, discussed before trial, is an agreement between the spouses regarding the custody of kids and division of assets. Settling can be the most affordable divorce procedure if both parties are still on good terms. 

    Also known as uncontested dissolution of marriage, this procedure can be hassle-free with a knowledgeable lawyer beside you. Though the parties may not have a mutual understanding from the beginning of the divorce, they gradually come to terms with the options available. 

    Mutual consent plays an essential role in an uncontested divorce. Both parties amicably decide the terms and conditions of their separation. It helps both spouses to move on with their respective lives with a minimal amount of difficulty. It is crucial to understand that different legal teams should represent each party. An Eaton Law firm attorney can therefore help work out this option. 

    Contested Divorces

    But what happens when neither of the two parties is in agreement? In this scenario, a contested divorce—one-sided divorce— is opted for, whereby one of the spouses files for divorce, and the other challenges it in the court. Though a prenup can prevent this, only a handful of people have prenuptial agreements. In a contested divorce, both husband and wife end up in a court where they ask the judge to make decisions regarding assets and child custody.  

    If you are seeking a contested divorce, then you should gather detailed information regarding the process. For that, you can take the help of the Tomball, Texas attorneys and surrounding areas like Houston from Eaton Law firm. We understand that you need a legal mind who can make decisions on your behalf during this complex and emotional process. We can ensure that you will not regret the results. 


    In some cases, a marriage can be invalid from the beginning. A divorce ends a legally valid marriage, whereas an annulment declares it to be legally invalid. Annulments can happen for many reasons. Take, for instance, these scenarios. 

    1. Either of the parties was under 18 during the nuptial 
    2. One of the parties was already in a marital relationship at the time of the wedding.
    3. A previous divorce is revealed. 

    Though annulments are rare, they can be complicated and overwhelming. If you are unaware of the legalities, you might pay for more and acquire less during the process. Therefore, having a divorce lawyer in Tomball, Texas, by your side during these trying times can help you through the emotional challenges.