Custody Modification
Eaton Family Law Firm | custody modification

Child Custody Modifications in Tomball

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    Custody Modification Lawyers

    Things change, both over time and immediately after an event. A great example of this is a child’s needs. In many situations, children don’t know what they’re looking for, and it’s only after the event that they realize what and who they need in their lives. The city of Tomball, Texas , is more than aware of this fact, and it’s why they allow for the modification of the child custody order after it was issued.

    Many child custody lawyers in Tomball, Texas  hold this belief as well. They also know that circumstances can drastically change. The current custody order may not be favorable for the child anymore. The core reason why custody modifications exist in the Texas legal system is to prevent the child from being trapped in a situation that they find suffocating and stressful.

    The Process of Modifying the Custody Order

    To modify the child custody order, though, the parents of the children will first have to talk to each other about the matter. Usually, the custodial parent is the one with more insight into the situation. They’ll need to talk to each other in the presence of their child custody lawyers. Naturally, they’ll also need to provide lawyers with substantial proof and information that credits the need for the child custody modification.

    Once the need is established, hearings will begin. If things are settled cleanly, the final hearing will lay out the modified custody order that both parents will have to promise to follow.

    However, not everything is smooth sailing in these situations. For one, this is an example of amicable parents that have successfully done their part in co-parenting with their former partner. In a case like this, communicating the child’s wishes is straightforward, given that there’s substantial information to back it up.

    Suppose the circumstances for the child have become extremely unfavorable, but one of the parents refuses to talk with their former partner about the matter. In that case, it becomes a complicated and stressful ordeal for both the child and the parent seeking to modify the child custody order.

    In a situation like this, as the parent, you’ll need to gather substantial evidence and information that you can use to justify a hearing.

    Reasons for the Modification of the Custody Order

    There are two primary reasons why it may be necessary to modify a custody order. The first is when one of the parents has violated the court order. The second is when at least one of the parents says that circumstances have changed and brings a motion to have the custody order changed in recognition of that.

    There are also other reasons, although they fall under the two categories. One such reason is the child’s preferences. As said before, your child’s needs will change over time, and it’s your duty as a parent to respect that and find a way to grant your child’s wish. If you are in Tomball or Houston trying to get custody modification, Eaton Family Law Group can help you.