Tomball Child Support Termination Guide
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Tomball Child Support Termination

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    Child Support Termination In Tomball, Texas

    Like most cities, Tomball, Texas  terminates child support obligation when their child has reached a certain age. It’s referred to as the age of majority when the child has graduated from high school. However, some states extend child support payments until the child is 21 years old. Others extend the support for even longer. This extension depends on whether the adult child has pursued tertiary education, meaning they want to go to college. Other considerations could be that the adult child has a disability of some kind.

    To know more about the age of majority and the considerations for child support extensions, talk with a Tomball, Texas or Houston child support lawyer.

    Child Support Termination Details

    “Age of majority” refers to the legal age established under state law, at which a person is considered an adult and has the right and responsibility to make certain legal choices. Many noncustodial parents use the age of majority as their reason to terminate child support payments, and a court cannot overturn it.

    However, some exceptions can overrule the age of majority. In Tomball, Texas,  even though the legal age is 18 years old, child support payments must continue if the child is still in high school. One other consideration is with a disability, which will extend child support payments for an indefinite period.

    Outside of this, many states also have statutory or case laws allowing for an order of college support. College support is decided either through court order or by voluntary agreement of all parties. Noncustodial parents in all states have the option to support their college-bound child, but Tomball, Texas does not have any statute or case law holding parents to that duty.

    Mentally or physically disabled children who cannot support themselves at the legal age are entitled to extended support. The Tomball, Texas municipal court requires parents to support their adult disabled children. This support extends indefinitely, and the parents must ensure that their child is well provided for.

    Given a good record of providing support for your child, as the noncustodial parent, you’re entitled to the termination of your child’s financial support once they’ve reached the age of majority. It’s best to talk to a Tomball, Texas child support lawyer to learn more about the details and the proceedings that will occur once you go through with the termination process.

    Child support exists not to punish parents but instead to ensure that their child has all the opportunities in the world while being well-nurtured. Child support is fulfilled once the child reaches the age of majority. At that point, the noncustodial parent has the right to abdicate from the responsibility.