Eaton Family Law Firm | UNPAID CHILD SUPPORT

Katy Unpaid Child Support Attorney

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    Secure Your Children's Future: Resolve Unpaid Child Support

    It’s quite unfortunate that noncustodial parents often avoid paying child support. It can happen for many reasons, but it’s usually something personal and related to the parent’s relationship.

    However, the parent’s relationship shouldn’t impact the opportunities for the child. Imagine that the noncustodial parent abandons their obligations to the custodial parent and the child. If this happens, the noncustodial parent leaves their child with fewer financial resources, which can affect the child’s ability to pursue higher education and other activities.

    Unpaid child support can result in the custodial parent being unable to provide a safe place and healthy meals for their child. Katy, Texas child support lawyers believe a parent should be held accountable for providing for their child. They believe children deserve a healthy, secure, and safe life.

    How to Properly Handle an Unpaid Child Support Case

    The custodial parent may sue for unpaid child maintenance if the noncustodial parent is refusing to or avoiding child support payments. Katy has many lawyers who are experienced in such cases and can help you recover the child support owed to you.

    It is not wrong to seek unpaid child support. Child support money will give your children opportunities and ensure they are well taken care of. It is the responsibility of the parent to support the child financially until they reach legal age, even if there is no relationship between the mother and father.

    Get more information from your lawyer about unpaid child maintenance, including the interest rate per calendar year and the amount that the noncustodial parent must pay.

    How a Child Support Lawyer can Help

    The court will sign a decree establishing child support as enforceable. An attorney can help you determine a fair amount for the noncustodial parent and arrange for the payments to be deducted directly from the obligor’s paychecks.

    Child support can be collected more easily by using paycheck deductions. Employers of noncustodial parents will pay the money directly to the state, which then sends it to you. This method ensures your ex-partner cannot use or withhold the money. If your ex-partner changes jobs, you will need to serve the paperwork again.

    Talk to your lawyer about how to get what you are owed if the noncustodial parent is seriously negligent. This should not be something you feel guilty about since it will affect your child’s future.