Eaton Family Law Firm | Divorce Process

Katy Divorce Process Attorney

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    Divorce Process Lawyer in Katy

    Just like every marriage, every divorce is unique. The process varies based on factors such as whether both parties agree to the terms of the divorce, whether there are joint assets involved, and whether the spouses had or adopted children during their marriage.

    However, there are a few basic things to expect from a Katy divorce.

    The first step is discovery. This is when an attorney gathers the necessary information for a case. Family law lawyers need to calculate assets, liabilities, and other financial details to determine the division of assets. If you plan on calling witnesses, this is also the time to decide who those people will be and whom your opponent might call as a witness.

    Uncontested Divorces

    In many cases, the two parties will settle before trial. A settlement is an agreement regarding the division of assets and custody outside of court. Many couples work with family law attorneys and can quickly move through the rest of the divorce process. If you are on amicable terms, this is often the easiest and most affordable option.

    This type of divorce is called an uncontested dissolution of marriage. Uncontested does not mean that both parties agreed from the beginning. Instead, they have come to a compromise that they can both be satisfied with. An uncontested divorce lets both spouses move on to their next steps in life with minimal difficulty.

    Although these types of divorces are the easier option, there is still work involved. Even if you are on good terms with your former spouse, the two of you cannot be represented by the same legal team. You’ll need to retain your own Katy divorce attorney.

    Contested Divorces
    A contested divorce can take longer, and it is quite common. When the two parties cannot agree, they need to sort out the divorce terms in a Texas court. Complicated assets or disagreements on child custody commonly lead to contested divorces. Occasionally, a divorce may require a jury trial. However, a judge often renders the verdict and signs the final divorce decree. If your divorce is contested, the best thing you can do is hire a Katy divorce lawyer. Your lawyer can help you make unemotional decisions that you won’t regret years down the road.
    Outside of divorce, a marriage may be annulled, which means the marriage was invalid from the start. This typically occurs if one of the spouses was under 18 at the time of the wedding, was unable to consent to the marriage, was already married at the time of the wedding, or concealed a prior divorce. Annulments are rare but can make it as if the marriage never legally happened. Going through a divorce can seem complicated and overwhelming if you are not familiar with the legal system. It’s also an emotionally challenging process, likely one of the most difficult of your life. You want to retain a family law firm in the Katy and surrounding areas that you can count on, which is why you should call our team.