Katy Custodial Parent Attorney

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    Guardianship Lawyer in Katy

    Children are not capable of making decisions or taking care of themselves when they are small. In Texas, their parents are legally required to care for them until they reach the age of 18. After two parents divorce, one becomes the custodial parent responsible for caring for any minor children (under the age of 18) they have. The custodial parent has the legal right to determine certain things for their child, including where they spend most of their time.

    A Katy custodial parent attorney can help you retain the rights to your children that need your care.

    Katy courts will determine the custodial parent based on a variety of factors. Some of these include the stability of the living situation and parenting abilities. The state of Texas believes that both parents should be able to make decisions and be involved in their child’s life as it is in the child’s best interest; however, the primary caregiver will typically be the custodial parent. The custodial parent is expected to keep the noncustodial parent informed of updates to the child’s life, and both parents are expected to cooperate.

    The custodial parent has many responsibilities, and their decisions must be in the best interest of their child. They must also maintain the visitation schedule with the other parent and ensure that they receive child support payments from the noncustodial parent. Significant decisions about the child’s life should be discussed with the noncustodial parent as they both have a right to these decisions regarding their child. They will also jointly determine where the child lives and help with large child-related expenses. A Katy child custody lawyer can help determine each parent’s specific rights.

    Child Support Is Not Visitation

    The noncustodial parent pays child support to the custodial parent and has the right to visit with the child. If you are in Katy, or a surrounding city such as Tomball, or Houston we can help you learn your visitation rights. These child support payments are specifically for the child’s needs and can be taken directly from the noncustodial parent’s wages. Visitation and child support payments are not related, so visitation rights cannot be revoked if a parent fails to make child support payments. Texas courts want to keep the child’s best interest at heart, so they like to share custody as much as possible between the two parents in the form of visitation. If you need help collecting or modifying child support, a child support lawyer in Katy can help.

    Divorces are difficult on their own. Determining which parent retains primary custody of the child can be one of the most challenging parts. A Katy child custody attorney can help make sense of these custody questions. If your family is facing significant changes due to separation or divorce, give the attorneys at Eaton Family Law Firm a call.