Eaton Family Law Firm | custody modification

Houston Custody Modification Attorney

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    Custody Modification Lawyers

    Many parents know that their children’s needs can change quickly as they grow and develop. A family’s circumstances can change as well. Because of this, the legal system established in Texas makes it possible to change a child support or child custody order. There are two primary reasons that modifications to these orders can occur. The first would be if a parent were to violate a court order, and the second is if there are changes in life circumstances for the parent. If either occurs, contacting an attorney for child custody is the first step for changing a custody order.

    Parents can violate court orders in different ways. Some of these ways can include not paying child support or adhering to custody or visitation agreements. If one parent withheld visitation from the other parent, this is a violation as it is not in the child’s best interest. Custody changes can also occur if a parent doesn’t adhere to the visitation schedule. If circumstances change, however, a Houston child custody attorney can modify the order to prevent a violation. Modifications can help keep a child from being in dangerous home situations and give parents more visitation or custody if the situations have improved.

    Get Help Modifying Your Terms

    A child custody order can be modified if the child prefers to stay with one parent or another or if a parent were to relocate to a different area and the visitation schedule cannot be adhered to. If the custodial parent were to pass away, custody considerations for that child also need to be rethought and re-determined. The noncustodial parent is typically first in line for the next custodians; however, the court determines whether the parent is truly able mentally and financially to step into that role. Our child modification law firm in Houston and cities surrounding like Tomball can help ensure the child’s best interest is always considered, even if it means staying with a third party.

    The process of custody order modifications is simplified when working with an attorney for child custody. Sometimes parents can work well together to discuss and change these orders to create a plan that works for all without introducing attorneys. Alternatives such as mediations and arbitrations may not always be faster or less money. You’ll want Houston child custody attorneys working with you if you would like to change current custody orders. They will be able to help you with negotiations, filing legal paperwork, and presenting your case to court so that you have the best possible chance to change those orders.

    At Eaton family law firm, we realize that the needs of families and their children change. If it is time to take another look at your custody order so that it is still in your children’s best interest, give us a call. Houston child custody modifications can be difficult to navigate, but we can help. Choose an experienced child custody or divorce lawyer in Houston, TX, to help guide you through a custody modification case. Contact us for a free evaluation.