Eaton Family Law Firm | UNPAID CHILD SUPPORT

Tomball Unpaid Child Support Attorney

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    Don’t Let Unpaid Child Support Limit Your Children

    It’s unfortunate how common it is for the noncustodial parent to avoid paying for child support. Nonpayment happens for several reasons, but usually, it’s something personal that relates to the parents’ relationship.

    However, regardless of whether the parents are in a relationship or not, it shouldn’t affect the opportunities they ought to provide for their child. Suppose the noncustodial parent abandons their obligation to the custodial parent and the child. In that case, they are leaving their child with fewer financial resources, which can impact the child’s opportunity for higher education and the option to have extracurricular activities.

    At worst, unpaid child support can leave the custodial parent unable to provide a safe home and a healthy diet for their child. Tomball, Texas  child support lawyers believe that a parent should be accountable to provide for their child. They believe they deserve an opportunity to have a home, security, and healthy life.

    How to Properly Handle an Unpaid Child Support Case

    In the case that the noncustodial parent is avoiding or refusing to pay child support, the custodial parent has the option to sue for unpaid child support. Here in Tomball, Texas , many lawyers are familiar with such situations and know how to help you recover the child support you owed to you.

    You should never feel guilty for going after unpaid child support. Child support money will provide opportunities for your children and ensure that they are well provided for. Even if the child has no relationship with their mother or father, it is still the parent’s responsibility to support them financially until they are of legal age.

    Contact your lawyer for more details regarding unpaid child support, such as the interest rate per year and the expected amount that the noncustodial parent should pay.

    How a Child Support Lawyer in Tomball, Texas can Help

    Child support becomes legally binding the moment a court order is signed. A lawyer can help you identify a reasonable amount for the noncustodial parent to pay. They can set it up for the transaction to be deducted from the obligor’s paychecks.

    Paycheck deduction makes child support collection easier. The noncustodial parent’s employer will send the money directly to the state, and the state sends it to you. Paycheck deduction prevents your former partner from using the money or keeping it for themselves. Unfortunately, you will need to serve this paperwork multiple times if your former partner changes employers.

    If the noncustodial parent becomes severely negligent, you can talk to your lawyer about programs to ensure you receive what you are owed. Again, this should not be something you feel guilty about doing, as all of this would go into your child’s future.